With the passion and warmth of the southern sun,
“i Calanchi” restore the ancient grapes of Magna Graecia to taste.

Our Treasure
A legacy of ancient Magna Graecia, the Mantonico grape variety gives us a raisin wine with a sweet but strong flavor, pure “Nectar of the Gods.”
- Grapes with unique qualities:
- Native to the Ionian coast of Calabria.
- Cultivated according to nature on the badlands
- Historical heritage of the area
- "Passita" as per ancient tradition, between the sun and the sea

il nostro TESORO
Eredità dell’antica Magna Grecia, il vitigno Mantonico ci dona un vino passito dal sapore dolce ma deciso, puro “Nettare degli Dei”.
- Uva dalle qualità uniche:
- Autoctona del litorale Jonico della Calabria
- Coltivata secondo natura sui calanchi
- Patrimonio storico del territorio
- Passita, come da tradizione antica, tra il sole e il mare
Our Wines
Tradition and innovation in winemaking provide unique aromas and tastes, giving wines that best represent an area



Those who have already Chosen us


Our passito Sibille was awarded 87 points by Meininger among the TOP 100 Italian wines at ProWein 2023 and will be on tasting at the ICE stand (Hall 17_C39/D29). The dossier was published in Weinwirtschaft magazine, Germany’s leading wine trade magazine. Project in collaboration between Meininger and ITA/ICE.